January 4, 2001
University of Utah
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
122 South Central Campus Drive, Room 104
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0561
RE: Letter of Recommendation for Joseph A. Lazibmm
Dear Sir or Madam:
Joe is applying for admission to graduate school in your department and has asked me to write him a letter of recommendation. I knew Joe while he was a student at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. He was a student in three of my classes and did O.K. I guess, since he seems to have graduated.
I never really knew much about Joe. I don’t think he was an ax murderer or anything like that, but couldn’t really say one way or the other. There actually was an ax murderer around here about that time, but he must have gone since bodies have stopped showing up. Joe never wore ear rings, or had green hair, as did some of the idiots in my class so you might find he works hard, but then maybe not. I never caught him cheating or copying other people’s work, and I never missed him in class, but then I don’t usually take roll, either. He seemed to get along well with the other students, or at least I don’t remember any fights breaking out in his vicinity. He might have been a Boy Scout, or an Eagle Scout, and might have worked two jobs to support himself at A&M, but I don’t really know. It’s just as likely his parents put him through school. Anyway, that’s about all I can tell you, and I really didn’t even know that much. It took me a danged hour just to scrape up the little bit you see here.
Lee L. Lowery, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3136