Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 9:12 PM
To: Lowery Jr, Lee L <>
Subject: CVEN 446 Final Exam
Dr. Lowery,
I am struggling to figure out exactly how to study for your final. I looked on the syllabus and it read that “The final will cover only through that material we were able to cover in class, whatever that turns out to be, with some emphasis on the material after Quiz B.” How would you recommend that we study for the final? Also, how do you recommend budgeting our time based off of material from Quiz B and before? Finally, will we have a chance to pick up our assignments before the final exam?
Very Respectfully,
Corps of Cadets, Texas A&M University
Howdy Joy:
First I would you suggest you go over the printed notes we made during class. Those are things that I know you have been shown how to do, unless you didn’t come to class, were texting, sleeping, discussing your recent date with your neighbor, trying to get a date with your neighbor, …
Second I would suggest you review the old exams given in past years. There are dozens of them listed on the Syllabus. If you see a pattern of me always giving a NSR, GSY, U problem, then the chances of one of those is high. Knowing that is of course no guarantee of having one, since I will also see that, and figure you will work on that, and so I might as well not give one this semester.
Third I would go through the textbook homework problems and rework any that you copied from the solution manual or a friend, and pretty well understood but were a little shaky on.
Fourth, go to the class notes and videos given on any day you missed class while picking up your senior ring, when your alarm failed to go off, … If the video for your section that day failed, watch the video for the other section. If both videos failed, at least go over the class notes and try and see what was covered.
Fifth, you should not obsess over this class such that you raise you current grade of C to a B, and in the process lower your Thermo grade from a C to an F. You are an engineer, or soon will be. Use those optimization and reasoning skills which got you into this field to increase your overall goal of graduation.
Finally, yes, all homework you missed picking up earlier or which has just now been graded will be in the file cabinets directly outside my office. You can come by and pick them up there.
I wish you good luck on our final and have enjoyed teaching you this material this semester.
Lee L. Lowery, Jr., PhD, P.E. <><