OK. I can live with it. I will use the questions listed below, with only minor changes in things like Figure Number, where the answer is located (change point B to G), stuff like that.
I would like to say that it has been a privilege to teach you this material this semester. I am quite impressed with how much you have learned.
Good luck.
Printed Name ________________________________ Seat # ________
Generally if not listed in the problem use delta = little delta, DELTA = big delta, E = 30,000 ksi, I = 100 in^4.
Problem 1) For the 10 structures shown in Figure 1, determine the degree of statical indeterminacy for solution by flexibility methods. You may assume that axial effects can be omitted.
Problem 2) Draw TWO released or primary structures amenable to solution by flexibility methods for each of the structures shown in Figure 1. Carefully mark and label your choice of unknowns.
Problem 3) For the 10 structures shown in Figure 1, determine the degree of kinematic indeterminacy for solution by stiffness methods. You must assume that axial effects are to be omitted.
Problem 4) For the 10 structures shown in Figure 1, determine the degree of kinematic indeterminacy for solution by stiffness methods, assuming that axial effects are not to be omitted.
Problem 5) Draw the only possible restrained or primary structure amenable to solution by stiffness methods for each of the structures shown in Figure 1, assuming that axial effects ARE to be omitted, and assuming that axial effects ARE NOT to be omitted. Carefully mark and label your choice of unknowns in both cases.
Problem 6) For the beam shown in Figure 2, draw quantitative influence lines (i.e. list all values) for the reaction at A, the shear slightly to the right of B, and the moment at point C.
Problem 7) For the multi-span statically indeterminate beam shown below, draw qualitative influence lines for the reaction at G, the shear slightly to the right of K, and the moment at point T, i.e. only show the shape of the influence lines without values.
Problem 8) Draw a qualitative influence line for the axial load in column BC, the shear at the left end of floor beam GH and the moment at the center of beam MN for the multi-bay, multi-story frame shown below.
Problem 9) For the truck loading shown below, and given the shear, axial force and moment influence lines shown below, determine where to place the truck for maximum shear, moment and axial force, and calculate those quantities. Notice the dead loads and live loads also given with the truck.
Problem 10) For the beam shown in the figure below, determine the horizontal, vertical and rotational deflection at the end of the beam due to the loads shown.
Problem 11) For the structure loaded as shown below, calculate DELTA10, delta11, delta12, and delta13 for use in a flexibility solution.
Problem 12) For the structure loaded as shown below, calculate K11, K12, and K13 for use in a stiffness solution.
Problem 13) Set up the solution to solve for the forces in the structure loaded as shown below, using slope deflection. You need not attempt to solve the final set of equations, but you must calculate all values which go into those equations.
Problem 14) Explain in enough detail that I am convinced that you know how to use Visual Analysis to generate an influence line for moment (or shear, or axial force) at point G in the structure shown below.
Problem 15) I will likely ask you how you would do something in Visual Analysis. I don’t know what it will be. It might have something to do with loading, or setting up the loads, plotting shear and moment diagrams after the problem is solved, getting the final deflections of the joints, or …? If you ran VA during the semester, you’re in good shape. If you let someone else do all the work for you, you’re doomed.
Problem 16) For the multi-story multi-bay structure shown below, determine an approximation for the end moments in beam CD. Moments of inertia are listed below.
Problem 17) For the multi-story multi-bay structure shown below, use the portal method or the cantilever method to determine a first approximation of the moment at the top of column GH.
I will not ask you a question like Web Problem 8.04.