Course Syllabus – Spring 2017
TR 8:00 am – 9:15 am
CVLB Room 219
PLEASE NOTE: The syllabus will suffer changes throughout the semester, depending on our ability to cover the material. Please check the syllabus daily for changes, especially before you work any homework problems, which are subject to change.
Help for CVEN 446 is available from the people shown below, at office hours listed.

Office: CEOB (7th floor of CE Office Building), Room 701C
Phone: 979-845-4395 (Office), 979-775-5401 (Home)
Office Hours:
- MWF 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
- TR 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Most of my time is spent teaching CVEN 446, two sections of 305, and ENGR 485. During the remaining hours I am a departmental adviser and have limited time for tutoring.
Please plan on assistance either during my office hours, or see the tutor (below) during their office hours. Please don’t wait until just before class or a quiz to get help or you likely won’t get any.
I try and keep my calendar up to date, and to add unexpected meetings as they arise. However, it will always be in your best interest to call before you come by, unless you are already in the area.
Office: Old CE Building Room 011
Office hours: T 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
R 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
F 8:00 am to 11:00 am
Reference Manual: AISC Steel Construction Manual 14th Edition only: Click here for instructions on purchasing this manual. NOTE that you MUST be registered in CVEN 446 Section 503 (Lowery) this semester to get your coupon code. You can pay online, or by mail, and they will ship the book directly to you. The price shown is greatly reduced from anything else you can get. Upon request I will e-mail your coupon code to you. Please note that they have issued only one code for the students in the class. Please do not give it to anyone. We only have codes for the number of students in the class. If someone else uses your code to order a manual, it won’t be easy to get another one. Once you have your code, please follow the instructions above. E-mail your request for a code to using the subject: Request – Your Name – AISC Manual Code.
Textbook: Because of some confusion about different sections using no text, or Segui, or Geschwindner, I really don’t care which text you get. The text listed by the bookstore is Geschwindner, but the information in both texts is comparable. Get whichever you like, but I strongly recommend that you get one or the other. Don’t go without a text if at all possible.
One choice: Steel Design by William T. Segui: Thompson Brooks/Cole, 5th edition only – ISBN-10 Number 1111576009 or ISBN-13: 9781111576004
The Segui textbook is excellent.
Looking for a Segui textbook?
- Texas A&M University Bookstore Fill in the Department, Course, and section number
- You can also find “Buy and return” and eBook sales.
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Segui Steel Design Fifth Edition |
AISC Steel Construction Manual 14th Edition |
ISBN-10: 1111576009 ISBN-13: 9781111576004 |
ISBN Number 1564240606 |
A second choice: Unified Design of Steel Structures by Louis Geschwindner: Wiley, 2nd edition only – ISBN Number 9780470444030
- Texas A&M University Bookstore Fill in the Department, Course, and section number
- You can also find “Buy and return” and eBook sales.
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Geschwindner Second Edition |
AISC Steel Construction Manual 14th Edition |
ISBN: 9780470444030 | ISBN Number 1564240606 |
BE CAREFUL! You only want the editions shown above. Check the ISBN numbers carefully, especially if you order online. If they don’t say up front which edition they are selling, it probably isn’t the one you want.
TAMU Catalog Description:
Structural Steel Design (3-0) Design of structural steel elements found in bridges and building structures, including plate girders, other built-up members, composite beams and slender columns; frame stability, tubular members and connections. Prerequisites: CVEN 345.
Course Objectives:
- To introduce the student to material behavior and Load and Resistance Factor Design methodology.
- To analyze and design tension members.
- To analyze and design compressive members.
- To analyze and design beams.
- To analyze and design connections.
- To analyze and design beam-columns.
ABET Learning Outcomes:
- (a) Ability to apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science, and engineering.
- (c) Ability to design civil/ocean engineering steel structures and components to meet desired needs.
- (f) Public safety in design and construction is emphasized for every type of structure considered.
- (j) Contemporary structural projects either in design or construction are discussed along with their impact on society.
- (k) Course requires application of spreadsheets, structural analysis programs, along with current state of practice design concepts.
- (l) Ability to use computers to solve civil and/or ocean engineering problems.
Course Prerequisites:
To take CVEN 446, you MUST have received a passing grade (no D’s, F’s or I’s) in CVEN 345, Structural Analysis.
Course Assessment:
- Graded major exams (Quiz A, Quiz B, and Final Exam for a total of 3 exams @ 30% each)
- Graded homework assignments, Readiness Assessment Tests (RATs), Class Participation, Attendance, Projects = 10%
Resources available to the student:
- Instructor of record: Dr. Lee L. Lowery, Jr.
- Teaching associate:
- CE 446 List Server/File Server/Grades Server <—- CLICK HERE TO BEGIN CLASS
- Computer software (Visual Analysis, Excel, etc.)
- Computers in the Civil Engineering Building Computer Labs
- Lectures – Note that getting a text book will be essential to understanding these lectures.
- Example video solutions for selected steel problems
- Q-Drop deadline information
- Old 446 exams
- Chances of making what grade in Lowery’s 446 class after Quiz A and after Quiz B
- Tutoring and student use of the solution manual
- Copies of homework problems if you have not yet received your text. Sign on to eCampus, CVEN 446, Lowery and look in Browse Files.
- Access to the Civil Engineering Apps Server
- Design aids – most not verified – use with extreme caution
- Summary of the pages we covered last semester in this class
- RISA-2D – Educational (limited) copy of commercial structural analysis program
- Mastan – Free computer structural analysis program
- Seating chart
- Shreveport, LA steel bridge
- General steel photos
- An excellent aid to how these things work – the interactive steel sculpture:
- Kohutek Example Problems
- Typical point deductions you can expect on exams and pop quizzes
- AISC Publications
- AISC Shapes Database
- Steel Construction Manual Design Examples, V14.0
- Steel Construction Manual Design Examples, V13.0
- Free AISC membership. Fill in, sign, and mail or scan to email.
- Current list of homework problems for this semester if we get to all of them
- Class Expectations
- General Information Regarding Format for Exams, Quizzes, and Homework
- What materials am I responsible for on all exams in this class.
- Where to get help for 446
- Grading
- Attendance
- Illness
- Make-up exams
- Academic Dishonesty Policy
- Current list of homework problems for this semester if we get to all of them
- Finally, click here!
The correct time (to the nanosecond)
Homework to be assigned during the semester
Week and Date |
Class No. | Material in this column will be covered from the Segui text, and other sources. See reading assignments at the bottom.A summary of the main items of interest that we will be covering during the semester in both the Segui text and LRFD Manual are summarized here. Note that the pages listed below are approximate, depending on our ability to cover the materials. |
Homework AssignmentsNote: DO NOT work any problems using ASD. Only LFRD solutions are required. MANDATORY! Click here to begin course.
Homework problems reset from now on: |
Thu 3/2 |
14 | Quiz A – held during regular class hours. Covers through problem number 4.7-8. |
The only material permitted on Quiz A will be your AISC Steel Manual, and any handwritten notes in it. No textbook or loose notes permitted. You can add up to 4 handwritten 6″x9″ pages (2 sheets of paper total written on both sides) into the manual to supplement your notes. These can include example solutions or anything of your choice, but they must be the same size as the manual. You are also permitted to bring a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual. |
Week 10 | |||
Tue 3/28 |
19 | Segui Chap 5.14 Base plate design |
Class #19 assignment due class #21: Segui: # 5.14-1, 5.14-2 & 5.14-3 |
Thu 3/30 |
20 | Segui Chap 5.15, Chap 6.1-6.2 |
Class #20 assignment due class #22: Segui: # 5.14-4, 5.15-1, & 5.15-2 |
Week 11 | |||
Tue 4/4 |
21 | Segui Chap 6.3-6.4 | Class #21 assignment due class #23: Segui: # 6.2-1, 6.2-2 |
Thu 4/6 |
22 | Segui Chap 6.5-6.6 | Class #22 assignment due class #24: Segui: # 6.6-2, 6.6-6 note hint. |
Week 12 | |||
Tue 4/11 |
23 | Segui Chap 7.1-7.4 | Class #23 assignment due class #25: Segui: # 7.3-1, 7.3-2 |
Thu 4/13 |
24 | Segui Chap 7.4-7.5 | Class #24 assignment due class #26: Segui: 7.4-1 (Hint: Use either a C8x18.7 or a C8x18.5) (Never compute ASD), 7.4-3, 7.4-5 |
Week 13 | |||
Tue 4/18 |
25 |
Read Dr. Keating’s information on the Design of bolted joints Quiz B – held during regular class hours. |
The only material permitted on Quiz B will be your AISC Steel Manual, and any handwritten notes in it. No textbook or loose notes permitted. You can add up to 4 handwritten 6″x9″ pages (4 sheets of paper total, written on 2 sides each) into the manual to supplement your notes. These can include example solutions or anything of your choice, but they must be the same size as the manual. You are also permitted to bring a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual. |
Regardless of good intentions, here’s what we can reasonably get done and still have you understand it. Please work on the following homework problems and I will cover them in class. Do not hand in. | |||
Thu 4/20 |
26 | Segui Bolts Chap 7.6-7.7 |
Class #26 assignment due class #28: Segui: 7.6-1, 7.6-5 |
Week 14 | |||
Tue 4/25 |
27 | Segui Welds Chap 7.10-7.11 |
Class #27 assignment not due but be able to work: 7.11-2, 7.11.4, 7.11-8 |
Thu 4/27 |
28 | Segui Eccentric Connections Chap 8.1-8-2 |
Class #28 assignment not due but be able to work: Segui: 8.2-3, 8.2-11 |
The Final Exam will be held Friday, May 5th, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. It will cover all material which we were able to cover in class, whatever that turns out to be. CHECK THIS DATE FOR ACCURACY: |
The final exam will be open textbook, open AISC Steel Manual with previous added notes, no homework. You can add up to 4 additional (12 total) handwritten 6″x9″ pages (6 sheets of paper total, written on 2 sides each) into the AISC manual to supplement your notes. The final will cover everything in the course. You are also permitted to bring a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual. Please note that to pass this class you MUST be able design simple tension members to resist axial loads, to design beams to resist LTB, to design a column. These are minimum competencies. Things like combined bending and axially loaded members will likely be on the final, but being unable to do the simple things listed above will require that you find a better prof and retake this class. I simply cannot take the chance of you designing my old folk’s home (or sepulcher) and dropping a beam on my head in 20 years. |
The following is the required ADA statement.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall or call 845-1637.
The following is the required Academic Integrity Statement
“An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.”
All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web: