Fall 2017 – C.E. Room 118
TR 8:00 am – 9:15 am
PLEASE NOTE: Please check for changes in homework assignment due dates before working your next problems. They sometimes change.
FAQ: Quick answers to student questions

Professor: Lee L. Lowery, Jr., PhD, P.E.
Office: CVLB Building (above the Pi*R2, Room 701C
Phone: 979-845-4395 (Office), 979-775-5401 (Home)
Office Hours:
NOTE: My office hours as listed here are suspended on days before a major exam, giving me time to make it out. Please do not wait until the day before a major exam for help. Plan to see the tutors, or me earlier in the week.
Teaching Associates: See list on Help Desk:
HELP DESK HOURS – FALL 2017 In the old pi R^2 room, ground floor of the Dwight Look building (formerly the CE/TTI 8 story building). Has sign on desk: Help Desk CVEN Mechanics. They run a full-blown help desk for our class.
Textbook: The textbook is excellent: Kassimali, Structural Analysis. 5th Edition. CENGAGE Learning.
Looking for a used textbook?
5th edition 2014
ISBN Number
1133943896 (10 digit) or
9781133943891 (13 digit)
Note that less expensive International Editions are often available, but they are sometimes in all SI units, whereas in the U.S. edition, all example problems and half of the homework problems are U.S. customary units. For the 5th edition, I have found that an international edition is available the same as ours, except sometimes the homework problem numbers are changed.
Texas A&M University Bookstore Fill in the Department, Course, and section number | – Turns out that their International edition last semester was identical to the U.S. edition that we are using. I just bought it. Cost ~ $43 new, paperback, no color. Check the ISBN number carefully, and be ready to return it. These can be a gamble. | |
DealOz | | | | <- best chance of getting an international edition | | |
Catalog Description:
Theory of Structures. (3-0). Credit 3. Structural engineering—functions of structures, design loads, reactions and force systems; analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate structures including beams, trusses and arches; energy methods of determining deflections of structures; influence lines and criteria for moving loads; analysis of statically indeterminate structures including continuous beams and frames. Prerequisites: CVEN 302 or registration therein; CVEN 305.
Course Objectives:
- To introduce students to the general behavior of statically determinate and indeterminate structures and determination of forces therein. Construction of influence lines. Determination of load and load placement on structures. Use of available computer programs for analyzing statically indeterminate structures.
Learning Outcomes – This course emphasizes the following ABET Learning Outcomes. Note that the letters refer to those used by ABET.
(a) Ability to apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science, and engineering.
Course Prerequisites:
To take CVEN 345, you must have received a passing grade (no D’s, F’s or I’s) in CVEN 305 and be registered for or have already passed CVEN 302.
Course Assessment:
- Graded major exams (Quiz A, Quiz B, Final Exam = 3 @ 30% each) for 90% of final grade.
- Graded homework problems & Readiness Assessment Tests (RATs) (10 points each per problem/RAT unless otherwise noted) = 10% of final grade.
Syllabus Information:
- Homework
- General Information Regarding Format for Exams, Quizzes, and Homework
- Where to get help for 345 (not in summer)
- Grading – All homework and quizzes will be graded using Beason’s Qualitative Grading Rubric.
- Major exams
- Make-up exams
- Final exam schedule for this and other classes (FALL 2017!)
- Attendance
- Illness
- Academic Dishonesty Policy
- Q-Drop deadline information and here Check date on University Academic Calendar here
- Finally, click here!
Resources available to the student:
- Instructor of record: Dr. Lee L. Lowery, Jr.
- CE 345 File Server/Grades Server
- Computer software (Visual Analysis, Mastan2, RISA-2D, Excel, EES)
- MASTAN2 – Free structural analysis program – an excellent little program
- USING MASTAN in the Open Access Labs and Online
- Computers in the Civil Engineering Computer Labs
- Old Exams including those from this semester after they are graded
- Class lecture videos and notes posted during this semester
- How to study for the final exam
- Class lecture videos and notes posted during the previous semester.
- Class lecture videos and notes posted during an earlier semester
- HELP DESK HOURS – FALL 2017 Lobby of DLEB (former CE/TTI building where PR^2 was located, next to the PETE Building). Has sign on desk: Help Desk CVEN Mechanics or something to that effect.
- First few homework problems, until your textbook comes in <—- Log onto eCampus, go to your 345 class, on the home page under What’s New, click on Content.
- EES (Engineering Equation Solver) What it is, how to get it, video example on using it, user’s manual, short tutorial
- Past probabilities of making what grade in Lowery’s 345 class after Quiz A and after Quiz B
The correct time (to the nanosecond)
Course Schedule: Please note that the course syllabus will be revised throughout the semester. Please do not work problems very far ahead of the date due. Some may be dropped, others that are better (in my opinion) may be substituted.
Day | Material covered | Chapter Reading Assignment |
Daily Homework Problem Assignments Click here for homework requirements for this class Each day’s assignment is due as listed below, 7 days after assigned, if we meet that day. All homework problems are worth 10 points each. Please refer to homework problems often. Some may get delayed until we cover the material and the problem numbers and dates will change. Note that web-linked homework problem numbers refer to hints or solutions. SP = special problem. Click on link for the problem. |
Aug 29 Class 1 |
Introduction: Statically Determinate Reactions, Moment Diagrams | Chapters 1, 3, 4.1-4.3 |
Class Homework Assignments [Note that India International Textbook homework problem numbers are in brackets.]A1) 3.8, 3.9[3.11], 3.18[3.15], 3.34[3.26] Due Sept 7th at beginning of class. |
Aug 31 Class 2 |
Moment Equations, Analysis of Trusses – Method of Joints. | 4.4-4.5 | A2) 4.6[4.6], 4.12[4.22], 4.15[4.17], SP1 Due Sept 12th at 8:00 a.m. On all truss problems, give the units, box your final answers and state whether the members are in tension or compression. |
Sep 5 Class 3 |
Analysis of Trusses – Method of Sections. | Chapters 4.6 – 4.7 | A3) 4.31[4.31], 4.32[4.33], 4.33[4.34] , 4.38[4.42], 4.46[4.47] (members JK and DE only), SP2 Due Sept 14th at 8:00 a.m. |
Sep 7 Class 4 |
Zero force members. Shear and bending moment diagrams in beams. Equations for bending moment diagrams. | Chapters 4.9, 5.1-5.2 | A4) 3.4[3.2], 4.47[4.46] (member IH only), 4.49[4.50] (only members DE, EK, NO), 5.35[5.51], 5.39 Also due Sept 14th at 8:00 a.m. |
Sep 12 Class 5 |
Shear and bending moment diagrams in frames. Equations for bending moment diagrams. | Chapters 5.3-5.4 | A5) 4.3[4.5], 5.44[5.31], 5.51[5.35], SP3 Due Sept 19th at 8:00 a.m. |
Sep 14 Class 6 |
Beams and Frames – Shear and moment diagrams |
Chapter 5.5 | A6) 5.52[5.54], 5.56[5.55], 5.57[5.64], 5.59[5.60], SP4 Note on SP4 through SP8, there is a pin at A and a roller at G. Due Sept 21st at 8:00 a.m. |
Sep 19 Class 7 |
Beams and Frames – Shear and moment diagrams |
Chapters 5.6 | A7) 5.65[5.70], 5.69[5.61], 5.70[5.65], SP5 From now on all problems due 7 days from date assigned. |
Sep 21 Class 8 |
Deflections by Direct Integration | Chapters 6.1-6.3 | A8) 6.1[6.4], 6.5[6.3], 6.7[6.8], SP6 |
Sep 26 Class 9 |
Beams and Frames – Deflections by Work-Energy | Chapter 7.1, 7.2 | A9) 7.1[7.1], 7.3[7.3], 7.5[7.5], SP7 |
Sep 28 Class 10 |
“ | Chapter 7.3, 7.4 | No homework assigned for today. to hand in on day of Quiz A |
Oct 3 Class 11 |
“ | Chapter 7.5 | A10) 7.11, 7.16, 7.20, 7.22, SP8 Due date is still Oct 10th. However, rather than delay starting Quiz A, please hang onto it and hand it in with the assignment due on Oct. 12. |
Oct 5 Class 12 |
Review Volume Integrals |
Chapter 7.5 | A11) 7.23, 7.24 For these 2 problems, use either the graphical method (volume integrals), or integral of mMdx/EI, whichever you prefer, SP9 Omit |
Oct 10 Class 13 |
Quiz A – held in our classroom during regular class hours. Covers everything above through homework problem 6.7. |
Exam is closed book. Bring calculator, paper and pencils. You are also permitted to bring one 8.5″ x 11″ cheat sheet, hand written by you (no copies) on ONE SIDE, no example problems. Equations only. You should also bring a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual, Structural section only, unless you have memorized the wide flange tables. No notes of any kind written on them. Click here for a copy |
Oct 12 Class 14 |
Chapter 13.1 | Chapter 13.1 | A12) 7.26, 7.31, 7.36 |
Oct 17 Class 15 |
Introduction to solution for statically indeterminate structures using flexibility method/consistent distortions. | Chapter 13.1 | A13) 7.38, 7.39, 7.45, 7.50 |
Oct 19 Class 16 |
“ | Chapter 13.2 | A14) 13.1, 13.2, 13.10, (13.16-Use Rb as the redundant) |
Oct 24 Class 17 |
Statically indeterminate structures with multiple degrees of indeterminacy using consistent distortions – Flexibility Method | Chapter 13.3 | A15) Use reactions listed below as redundants on the following problems: (13.18 – Use Rbh), (13.20 – Use Rdh), (13.20a Solve 13.20 again using Rdv) |
Oct 26 Class 18 |
See how to use MASTAN2 – Video Get the MASTAN2 program here |
Chapter 13.3 | A16) (13.26 – use Rch), (13.27 – use Rcv), (13.27a Solve 13.27 again using Rdv) |
Oct 31 Class 19 |
Chapter 13.3 | A17) (13.37 – use Rbv & Rcv), (13.43 – use Rav and Rah), 13.49 |
Nov 2 Class 20 |
Read Chapters 8 and 9READ: How to construct and use influence lines Highly recommended: Muller-Breslau Principle, Use of Influence Lines |
No homework today | |
Nov 7 Class 21 |
Moving Loads, Influence Lines for Structures |
A18) 8.5, 8.10, 8.16, 8.20, SP9 This assignment is due 7 days from today. However, since we will be taking a quiz that day, please hang onto it and hand it in with assignment A19. |
Nov 9 Class 22 |
Use of influence lines to determine where to put live, dead, uniform, concentrated loads and compute maximum results. Notes: The first influence lines are to be generated by statics. All later influence lines can be worked by statics or by Mueller-Breslau if it is to your advantage. All values are required on all influence lines for statically determinate structures unless otherwise noted. Numeric values on statically indeterminate structures are not required – only the shape of the influence diagram. |
A19) 8.19, 8.21, 8.38, SP10 | |
Nov 14 Class 23 |
Quiz B – held in our classroom during regular class hours. Covers everything above covered in class through Chapter 7, plus Chapter 13, problem 13.20. |
A20) 9.4, 9.6 Exam is closed book. Bring calculator, paper and pencils. You are also permitted to bring one 8.5″ x 11″ cheat sheet, hand written by you (no copies) on TWO SIDES, no example problems. Equations only. You should also bring a copy of the Structural Section of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual, unless you have memorized the wide flange tables. No notes of any kind written on them. Click here for a copy |
Nov 16 Class 24 |
Use of influence lines for series of wheel loads. Chapter 14: Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures. Closure on use of influence lines. | Chapter 9 | A21) 9.21, 12.2, 12.6, 12.9, SP13.1 |
Nov 21 Class 25 |
Chapter 2: Loads on structures. Wind Loads. |
Chapter 2 | A22) 14.1*, 14.15*, 14.19*, SP5 *Shapes of diagrams only! NO values. |
Nov 28 Class 26 |
Approximate solutions to statically indeterminate structures. Vertical loads, Portal Method |
Chapter 12 | A23) 2.3[2.1], 2.4[2.2], 2.5[2.7] |
Nov 30 Class 27 |
Stiffness methods | Chapter 15 | A24) 2.9[2.10], 2.12[2.12], 2.13[2.15] Due December 5th. |
Dec 5 Class 28 |
Stiffness methods | ||
Final Exam Held in our classroom |
Final Exam – Exam is closed book. Bring only calculator, paper and pencils. You are also permitted to bring one 8.5″ x 11″ cheat sheet to the quiz, hand written by you (no copies) on TWO SIDES, no example problems, equations only. Exam covers everything in the course. You should also bring a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Manual, Structural section only. No notes of any kind on them. Click here for a copy Pick up any old leftover homework on the last day of class. |
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, currently located in the Disability Services building at the Student Services at White Creek complex on west campus or call 979-845-1637. For additional information, visit
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“An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.”
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