Because the world has just been turned upside down, new homework submission procedures are now in effect. Class times will remain the same and will be held on Zoom at the Meeting Room 969 311 1276. As I understand it, you can connect directly to our class by clicking on
322 Quiz B has been moved to our regularly scheduled class time on Zoom ID 969 311 1276 on April 13th. I think you can sign on immediately by clicking:
Format for 322 Quiz B and future quizzes:
You will log on to Zoom early, turn OFF your mike and turn ON your camera, kick any dogs or noisy kids out of the room, and I will share a quiz with you perhaps similar to one of these old exams. If you don’t have a camera with a mike you might as well go get one from Wal-Mart or Best Buy since you will certainly be using it in your classes from now on the way things are going. We will then watch you work the quiz and when finished, at the end of our regularly scheduled class, write on it that you have received no outside help and sign it at the bottom. Photograph it, make sure that you (and the graders) can read it clearly, and submit it to your email it to your eCampus account. Do NOT email it to the graders or me. We have no way of getting it into your account for grading,
The quiz will start at 11:20 am and end at 12:30 pm. That should give you a little extra time to adapt to the brave new world we now find ourselves in. Submissions posted past 12:30 pm will be considered late.
Note that you MUST use a very soft pencil lead or a dark pen on your quiz, or it will probably not photograph where it can be read, in which case you will probably be taking a make-up.
What is legal for your use on Quiz B:
1) The Old 322 Solutions posted here. The solution to Quiz A for this semester is posted at the very bottom of these old exams.
2) A one page two-sided list of equations and procedures written by you without any worked out examples of any kind.
3) The 322 F.E. Exam Reference Manual (Click here for a copy).
What will be covered on 322 Quiz B:
4) Engineering economics and Linear programing. I never give percentages on these since no matter what I say, I later get complaints that I misled you. Sorry.
What will not be covered on the exam:
5) Taxes, depreciation, EES, Excel, LP graphical solutions. Note that the old quizzes cover everything in sight, but if you see something that you know we haven’t discussed, we probably decided to cover it that semester, but not this semester. Those of you who never showed up on Zoom will probably assume that nothing will be covered on LP. That would be wrong.
How you should study for 322 Quiz B:
6) Study your engineering economics materials, a bunch of the old exams, including the solution to this semester’s Quiz A listed in (1) above. The solution for Quiz A is also posted here. My apologies for not finding a way you could pick up your Quiz A, but still see no way until they let us back into the building. When things settle down I will try and get the graders to copy and email them to you, but may just have to wait until you come back here and pick them up.
7) What am I forgetting?
Problem due dates, not rigidly enforced but just to get some kind of order to the madness we are all facing. Solutions for the problems due are listed below. See further down the syllabus for the actual problem. DO NOT look at them until you pretty well understand how to solve them.
1) You have no doubt already worked all the engineering economics problems since the only ones I was waiting to return when the virus hit are a few in the return envelope in my office. I have no idea how to get those back to you without endangering those of you on campus, nor even less what to do for those of you sheltering in Houston and out of state.
The first one to come by and get them is safe since they have been untouched for over 14 days and the virus only survives about 5 days on paper. But the next student to come by would be fair game for death.
2) I was hoping that they would get the problems with using the virtual server and EES resolved so you could solve the roof piping problem and the footing problem. That hasn’t happened and is probably not possible under the stress the computer jocks are facing that are more important than one tiny part of one course. Thus let me just say that in the coming semesters, and in the real world, that program is an absolute killer. It is so simple and so powerful that you should look it over.
3) I was hoping to make sure you could work any of the linear programming problems using MOR well before the due dates listed, and let you email as many as you can to your grader as mentioned to Johnell below. Ones that you definitely should be able to work as of today (3/27/20) include your resume (not an LP problem), and web problems 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 so let’s put a due date on them of 4/1/20 next Wednesday. Note – listed here are just the solutions. The problem statements are on the dated syllabus below.
4) The next set, 5.5, 5.6, 5.10, 5.13, 5.16 are same as we worked in class so far so due kinda on 4/6/20.
5) The next set we will leave out things that are pretty much duplications and finish up with 5.18a, 5.18b 5.21, 5.33, 5.62, 5.64, 5.65, due 4/10/2020
From: Johnell
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 1:44 PM
To: Lee Lowery <>
Subject: Homework
Howdy Dr. Lowery,
There were a few assignments that I was unable to hand in before Spring Break, but I planned on handing them in as soon as I could. Given the current situation, is there anyway that I can hand in these assignments and still receive credit? Please let me know. Also, I am currently in Italy and the busses are all being used for shipping medical aid and supplies to the US, so I am unable to go to campus until some of them return with money.
Thank you,
Not a problem. Not much will be counted late under what we have all been through this semester. Just email photos of your work to your grader at the email listed for them on the syllabus. You must list as the Subject: Class: (322 or 345), the Problem number: (My Resume, or HW3.7, or Team 4 Part 3, or whatever it is), and your student ID (007-00-007 or whatever). Any work submitted which is not clearly photo legible (just look at it yourself before you email it) or if the graders are unable to tell what problem is being submitted, will be forwarded to me for excoriation.

All students with last names starting with letter A through K
Email to:
Zihang Wei – Grader and TA for CVEN 322 Spring 2020
All students with last names starting with letter L through Z
Email to:
You can email your grader if you think some homework got missing or to discuss a problem with homework grading. General questions regarding why your way of solving the problem got the wrong answer should go to the TA’s above.
CVEN 322 – Section 500
Course Syllabus – Spring 2020a (CRN 15301)
MWF 11:30 am to 12:20 pm – HEB 110
Help for CVEN 322 is available from the people shown below, at the office hours listed only.
PLEASE NOTE: The homework problems and assignments are under constant revision during the semester. Please check the syllabus frequently for changes.

Office: Old CE Building, Room 139C
Phone: 845-4395 (Office), 775-5401 (Home)
NOTE: Office hours listed below are suspended on the day before a major exam, giving me time to make it out and run it off. Do not wait until the day before a major exam for help, unless the tutor has office hours on that day.

Teaching Associate: Dr. Cheng Zhang
Dr. Zhang will be auditing the class and will present lectures from time to time. He is also available to answer questions or to sometimes set up a help session by Zoom. Contact him at
The following graduate students are employed to help with grading in this class and answer CVEN 322 questions. Please see them during their office hours listed below.
Graders and office hours over Zoom at those hours
MW: 12 to 3:30 pm and TR: 1:30 to 4:00 pm

Brittany Washington
Now grading CVEN 322, last names starting
with letter A through K

Zihang Wei
Now grading CVEN 322, last names starting with letter L through Z
Our Textbook – Any of the following:
First Edition U.S. Preferred 2nd edition
Or Second Edition U.S. Preferred 2nd edition |
Or Second Edition International |
The textbook is excellent, but over the years I have developed class notes which might enable you to do without a book. At over $100, I am willing to try anything. Only the economics part of this course requires some kind of a formal text, and any old used engineering economics textbook will work fine in my section. The text for this class, should you choose to buy it is: Civil and Environmental Systems Engineering, by Charles S. Revelle, Earl Whitlach, and Jeff Wright; Prentice-Hall. Either the first or second edition will work fine. I understand that using two editions can cause some confusion, but being able to use an inexpensive previous edition which has the needed content is probably worth it.
ISBN 0131386786 (First Edition) ISBN 0130478229 (Second Edition) Texas A&M University Bookstore Fill in the Department, Course, and section number Texas A&M University Bookstore Fill in the Department, Course, and section number Campusi Campusi (1.50 + shipping), has some inexpensive international editions
Catalog Description:
Civil Engineering Systems (3-0) Credit 3. I, II, S. Application of systems analysis to civil engineering design, systems synthesis and optimization techniques. Economic analysis and evaluation of engineering projects. Assignments apply engineering economics, statistical theory and optimization techniques to civil engineering problems.
Course Objectives:
- To introduce the student to the principles of engineering economics and economic evaluation techniques.
- To introduce the student to engineering optimization models, including Excel, EES, and Linear Programming, which are useful in engineering applications.
- To introduce the student to engineering system simulation methods using computer aided block oriented system simulation.
- To demonstrate how system simulation, optimization techniques, and engineering economics are used for decision support in civil engineering applications.
Learning Outcomes
- (a) Ability to apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science, and engineering.
- (b) Ability to analyze and interpret data.
- (c) Ability to design a civil and/or ocean engineering system to meet desired needs.
- (e) Ability to formulate and solve civil and/or ocean engineering problems.
- (l) Ability to use computers to solve civil and/or ocean engineering problems.
- (m) Ability to apply probability, simulation, and economics to civil/ocean engineering decisions.
Course Prerequisites:
To take CVEN 322, you MUST be enrolled in or have received a passing grade (no D’s, F’s or I’s) in STAT 211 (statistics) and CVEN 302, or equivalent courses.
Course Assessment:
- Graded major exams (Quiz A, Quiz B, Final Exam = 3 @ 30% each)
- Graded homework assignments, Readiness Assessment Tests (RATs, or Pop Quizzes), and Team Assignments = 10%
- Deductions in final grade may be made as specified in Grading below.
- All homework and quizzes may be graded using Beason’s Qualitative Grading Rubric, or on a standard points basis.
Resources available to the student:
- Instructor of record: Dr. Lee L. Lowery, Jr.
- Teaching associate listed above
- CE 322 Files and Grades <—- CLICK HERE FIRST
- List of homework problems assigned during the semester until your texts come in.
- Use of eCampus in this class
- Computer software (Excel, EES, MOR, LP, BOSS)
- EES (Engineering Equation Solver) What it is, how to get it, video example on using it, user’s manual, short tutorial
- Virtual Application Environment – can run EES from here regardless of where you are.
- Computers in the Civil Engineering Computer Labs – on 2nd floor of CVLB. Can also run EES from here.
- Old 322 exams, including this semester’s, after the exams are returned
- Chances of making what grade in Lowery’s 322 class after Quiz A, and after Quiz B
- This semester’s Lectures and Notes (2020a Spring) (will be put on the web after each class. Please email me if I forget to add them within a couple of days.
- Make-up exams
- Access to the Civil Engineering Apps Server (I’m not sure they still run this.)
- Q-Drop deadline information and here Check date on University Academic Calendar here
- Student Use of the Homework Solution Manual at my office or the Tutor’s
- HELP DESK HOURS – Spring 2020:
- Typical point deductions you can expect on exams and pop quizzes
- Seating chart
- MOR – Micro Operations Research – Linear programming and Engineering Simulation programs
- DOSBOX – How to get it and run it
- What it is, why it’s so valuable, by a top engineer with Vulcan Pile Driving Hammers
- University Academic Calendar Spring 2020 and many others.,-Policies-Procedures/Academic-Calendar Be sure you are on the correct year/semester.
- Final exam schedule for this and other classes (for Spring 2020 only!)
- Zachry Building Room Map
- Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Reference Manual for 322
- To run ZOOM
The correct time (to the nanosecond)
- Homework
- General Information Regarding Format for Exams, Quizzes, and Homework
- Where to get help for 322
- Grading – All homework and quizzes may be graded using Beason’s Qualitative Grading Rubric.
- Major exams
- Make-up exams
- More than 2 finals on one day
- Attendance
- Academic Dishonesty Policy
- Answers to all questions after administration of final exams
- And finally, click here!
Each day before you come to class you should look on the list below to see what we HOPE to cover that day and bring a copy of it to class with you. Please don’t come to class without a copy of things that say “Print out the following page .” Please take this course requirement seriously. It will save you tons of copying stuff down. I admit that we probably have little to no hope of keeping up with that schedule, but still, that way you will have a lot of next week’s (or next month’s) class content in hand.
Topics Covered:
Date | Class No. | Material in this column will be covered from the Revelle text, and other sources. Page numbers in “< >” refer to Revelle 1st edition. Page numbers in “{ }” refer to the 2nd edition. See comments at bottom.NOTE! Learning objectives for each day are listed on the pages below.Note: Print out the material for each day listed below and bring it to class with you. |
Homework Problems, Assignments, and Hints Each problem listed in a set is worth 10 points per problem, unless otherwise noted.Note that the homework problems which are listed in carets “< >” are from the 1st Edition of Revelle, and those listed within braces “{ }” are from the 2nd Edition.Problem hints, if any, and any other relevant information are hyperlinked. For students awaiting a book ordered over the web, a copy of these problems can be found at eCampus in the 322 files. All homework problems are to be handed in one week from the day assigned as a hard copy unless otherwise stated in the problem assignment. |
Week 1 | |||
Class 1 Monday 1/13 |
1 | Introduction to 322 [Engineering Economics] Introduction, transferring money in time, interest, cash flow tables and cash flow diagrams, early payoffs. Online video help – Note that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <346-351>{377-382} Learning objectives, topics covered, example problemsHelp on interest |
Next: Read all hyperlinked syllabus material at the top of this page. Hints on homework problems are hyperlinked on the problems below. Homework solutions will be submitted in class on paper. |
Class 2 Wednesday 1/15 |
2 | [Engineering Economics]
Investment, rule of 72, equivalence, sub-compounding, continuous compounding, use of standard economics equations. Derive F = A(F/A , i , n), others. Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Homework problems from the text: Assignment 1 or this Due 1/31/20 |
Class 3 Friday 1/17 |
3 | [Engineering Economics]
Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <351-355>{382-388} Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 2 <Chap 13.6, 9(3% rate only)>or {Chap 14.6, 9(3% rate only)}Due 2/7/20 |
Week 2 | |||
Class 4 Wednesday 1/22 |
4 | [Engineering Economics]
Arithmetic gradient cash flows, geometric gradient cash flows, capitalized costs, nominal vs. true interest rates, finding unknown interest rate (internal rate of return), finding unknown number of compounding periods.Online video helpNote that videos had to be removed
Economics |
Assignment 3 <Chap 13.11, 14>or {Chap 14.11, 14} Due 2/10/20 |
Class 5 Friday 1/24 |
5 | [Engineering Economics]
Project comparisons, maximization of net benefits *Revelle Pages <367-378>{403-413} Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 4 <Chap 13.15, 18> or {Chap 14.15, 18} Due 2/12/20 |
Class 6 Monday 1/27 |
6 | [Engineering Economics]
Equivalent time of projects, annual cash flow comparisons. Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <367-378>{403-413} |
Assignment 5 <Chap 13.23> or {Chap 14.23} Due 2/14/20 |
Week 3 | |||
Class 7 Wednesday 1/29 |
7 | [Engineering Economics]
Minimum attractive rate of return, internal rate of return, payback period, break-even analysis. Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <379-387>{414-423} |
Assignment 6 <Chap 14.2, 4, 6(a,b,c only), 8(a,b only)> or {Chap 15.2, 4, 6(a,b,c only), 8(a,b only)} Due 2/17/20 |
Class 8 Friday 1/31 |
8 | [Engineering Economics]
Straight line depreciation, declining balance. Online video help Note that videos had to be removed Economics *Revelle Pages <393-398>{433-438}Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 7 <Chap 14.10> or {Chap 15.10} Due 2/19/20 |
Class 9 Monday 2/3 |
9 | [Engineering Economics]
When depreciation is allowed. Online video help Note that videos had to be removed Economics *Revelle Pages <393-398>{433-438} Pure 200% double declining balance notesLearning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 8 <Chap 14.11,12> or {Chap 15.11,12} Due 2/21/19 |
Week 4 | |||
Class 10 Wednesday 2/5 |
10 | [Engineering Economics]
MACRS depreciation, changing from MACRS to straight line, corporate and personal taxes, effects of inflation. Excel program for MACRS depreciation Excel program for tax benefits of depreciation Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <399-420>{440-464} Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 9 <Chap 15.1, 2, 3, 5, 6> or {Chap 16.1, 2, 3, 5, 6} Due 2/24/20 |
Class 11 Friday 2/7 |
11 | [Engineering Economics]
Mortgages, amount required to pay a loan off early, interest paid. Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <421-436>{465-481} Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 10 <Chap 15.8, 16, 19> or {Chap 16.8, 16(a, b only), 19} Due 2/26/20 |
Class 12 Monday 2/10 |
12 | [Engineering Economics]
Interest saved under various conditions, bonds. Online video helpNote that videos had to be removedEconomics *Revelle Pages <421-436>{465-481} |
Assignment 11 <Chap 15.29, 30> or {Chap 16.29, 30} Due 2/28/20End of Engineering Economics Homework |
Week 5 | |||
Class 13 Wednesday 2/12 |
13 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Use of Spreadsheets & EES How to get EES EES User’s Manual Excel bolted plate example EES bolted plate example EES manhole example EES Tutorial |
Learning to use EESAssignment 12a Web Problem 4.1 Roof Pump problem to be solved using EES Assignment 12b Due 3/2/20
Class 14 Friday 2/14 |
14 | [Engineering System Optimization] Use of EES to solve roof pump problem.Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems | Learning to use advanced features of ExcelAssignment 13Web Problem 4.2: Roof Pump problem to be solved using Excel. Notes on problem. Comments on hand calculations, accuracy, etc. Due 2/21/20 |
Class 15 Monday 2/17 |
15 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Use of Excel to solve roof pump problem.Online help Note that videos had to be removed Excel Tutorial (Read if you need help)Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Learning to use advanced features of ExcelAssignment 14Web Problem 4.3: Modified Roof Pump problem to be solved using Excel. Due 2/24/20 |
Week 6 | |||
Class 16 Wednesday 2/19 |
16 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Use of EES and Excel to solve footing problem. Optimization of engineering problems using Linear Programming. Use of the MOR Program. Binary and integer vs. floating point numeric solutions.
Excel Linear Programming Template Computer programs: How to download DOSBOX and run MOR. Read: MOR User’s Manual Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems **Revelle pages <15-30> |
Learning to use MOR Assignment 15Web Problem 4.4: Spread Footing problem to be solved using EES Due 2/26/20 |
Class 17 Friday 2/21 |
17 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Graphical solutions Integer solutions Cut and fill problem, Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 16 Web Problem 4.5: Spread Footing problem to be solved using Excel. Due 2/28/20 |
Class 18 Monday 2/24 |
18 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Time independent production model I Time independent production model II Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Solve using MOR: Assignment 17Web Problem: 5.0 (water distribution), Web Problem: 5.1 (balanced haul)Due 3/2/20 |
Week 7 | |||
Class 19 Wednesday 2/26 |
19 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Waste disposal for large combined area.
Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Web Problems: Assignment 185.2 (waste transport) 5.3 (% gravel hauling) 5.4 (dirt haul)Due 3/4/20 |
Class 20 Friday 2/28 |
20 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Balanced vs. unbalanced transportation/supply & demand problemsPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Balanced supplies and demands
Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Web Problems: Assignment 195.5 (apartments) 5.6 (concrete haul) 5.10 (balanced shipping) Due 3/6/20 |
Class 21 Monday 3/2 |
21 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Balanced vs. unbalanced transportation/supply & demand problemsPrint out a copy of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Unbalanced supplies and demands, assignments
**Revelle pages <60-70> |
Web Problems: Assignment 205.13 (gravel for road) 5.14 (graphic solution) 5.16 (regional wastewater plants)Due 3/16/20 |
Week 8 | |||
Class 22 Wednesday 3/4 |
22 | Quiz A – Covers Engineering Economics, EES, & Excel Spreadsheets, through Class #16. Linear programming is not covered on Quiz A. | Exam A will be held today during regular class hours, in our regular classroom. The only material allowed in the exam is the F.E. Exam Reference Manual (click here for a copy.)Bring a copy with you to the exam unless you have memorized the interest rate tables, and all equations.If you need material that is not in the reference manual, I will give it to you on the exam. Reference Manuals will be available for lease from the professor during the exam, at a cost of $10 per page. Your homework assigned earlier is still due today. However I don’t want to delay the quiz, so you can hand it in with your next homework set. That doesn’t mean it isn’t due, only that you are going to hand in two sets next class. As you enter the room you will be given a seat/numbered exam and directed where to sit. It will take a few minutes to get in and prepare the room, so come early. |
Class 23 Friday 3/6 |
23 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Subcontractor Bids
Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Web Problems: Assignment 215.11 (regional refuse haul) 5.17 (lay binding with paver)Due 3/20/20 |
24 | [Engineering System Optimization] Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Traffic Networks | Web Problems: Assignment 225.21 (rapid transport system) 5.33 (assign machines)Due 3/23/20 |
Week 9 | |||
Class 25 Wednesday 3/18 |
25 | [Engineering System Optimization] Linear ProgrammingLearning objectives, topics covered, example problems**Revelle pages <81-95> | Web Problems: Assignment 235.18 (make paper) 5.62 (power line)Due 3/25/20 |
Class 26 Friday 3/20 |
26 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Time independent production model 1
Time independent production model 2 Time dependent production model Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Web Problems: Assignment 245.63 (Skycon)Due 3/27/20 |
Class 27 Monday 3/23 |
27 | [Engineering System Optimization] Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Bus driver allocation | Web Problems: Assignment 255.65 (bus shift times)Due 3/30/20 |
Week 10 | |||
Class 28 Wednesday 3/25 |
28 | [Engineering System Optimization]
Linear ProgrammingPrint out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you:Open pit mining Ambulance siting Siting hamburger shoppes Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Web Problems: Assignment 265.64 (contractor) 5.72 (unbalanced supplies)Due 4/1/20 |
Class 29 Friday 3/27 |
29 | Quiz B – Covers Engineering System Optimization (linear programming) and Engineering Economics, through Class #26, with some emphasis on Linear Programming. All LP problem types covered in class are on the quiz. Engineering Simulation is not covered. |
Exam B will be held during regular class hours in our classroom. The only material allowed in the exam is the F.E. exam reference manual on Economics (click here for a copy). Bring a copy with you to the exam unless you have memorized the interest rate tables, and all equations. Your homework assigned earlier is still due today. However I don’t want to delay the quiz, so you can hand it in with your next homework set. That doesn’t mean it isn’t due, only that you are going to hand in two sets next class.
Due 4/3/20 |
Class 30 Monday 3/30 |
30 | [Engineering System Simulation]
Simulation of engineering systems Click here for NSF’s Opinion on SimulationHow to compute inter-arrival times – Uniform, Normal, Exponential Distributions, Z tables, Record the time you come into class, Summary of how to compute inter-arrival times.Excel calculator for inter-arrival times |
Assignment 27 5.8 (where supply < demand) Web Problem 6.0: Determine interarrival times. Due 4/6/20 |
Week 11 | |||
Class 31 Wednesday 4/1 |
31 | [Engineering System Simulation] Simulation of engineering systems. How dynamic systems are simulated. |
Simulation hand solution form. Assignment 28 Due 4/8/20 |
Class 32 Friday 4/3 |
32 | [Engineering System Simulation]
Introduction to simulation of engineering systems using Block Oriented System Simulation, (BOSS***)NOTE: The best book on earth on simulation is available here.A complete BOSS user’s manual on simulation is available as a .pdf file by clicking here
Use of the MOR/DS program, Discuss economic impact from using 1 truck, 2 trucks, 100 trucks. Print out a copy of each of the following problems and bring it to class with you: Hand solution simulation form. |
Assignment 29 Economics Web Problem 6.11: Holtzapple Due 4/13/20 |
Class 33 Monday 4/6 |
33 |
[Engineering System Simulation]
Short list of BOSS commands (READ!) Full set of BOSS commands (READ!) Typical BOSS example problem – Hamburgers |
Assignment 30 Web Problem 6.10: Practice with interarrival time distributions Due 4/15/20 |
Week 12 | |||
Class 34 Wednesday 4/8 |
34 | [Engineering System Simulation] | Assignment 31 Solve using MOR/BOSS: Web Problem 6.3: Dirt hauling simulation I All homework from now on due 7 days hence. Due 4/17/20 |
Class 35 Monday 4/13 |
35 | [Engineering System Simulation]
Simulation of hauling dirt using BOSS – 2 trucks of same size Learning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 32 Solve using MOR/BOSS: Web Problem 6.4: MacDondald’s hamburger simulation Due 4/20/20 |
Class 36 Wednesday 4/15 |
36 | [Engineering System Simulation] Simulation of hauling dirt using BOSS – Multiple trucks of various size How to do in Simulink what we do in 10 lines of code in BOSS. | Assignment 33 Solve using MOR/BOSS: Web Problem 6.5: Classroom simulation Due 4/22/20 |
Week 13 | |||
Class 37 Friday 4/17 |
37 | [Engineering System Simulation]
Show how to interpret BOSS output. Why it is necessary to run each case several times Zero time loops, and other illegal statements. Hauling dirt using BOSS – 2 trucks of different sizes BurgersLearning objectives, topics covered, example problems |
Assignment 34 Solve using MOR/BOSS: Web Problem 6.6: Dirt hauling simulation II Due 4/24/20
Week 14 | |||
Class 38 Monday 4/20 |
38 | [Engineering System Simulation] | Assignment 35 Web Problem 6.7: Tanker/tank farm simulation Due 4/24/20 |
Class 39 Wednesday 4/22 |
39 | [Engineering System Simulation] | Assignment 36 Web Problem 6.8: Dredging simulation Homework: Thoroughly understand what we did in class today and be ready to answer similar questions on the final exam. Pick up any unreturned homework in front of my office door next Monday morning, or later. |
Class 40 Friday 4/24 |
40 |
[Engineering System Simulation]
Tanker/tank farm/storm simulation BOSS exam practice problems |
Assignment Homework: Thoroughly understand what we did in class today and be ready to answer similar questions on the final exam. Pick up any unreturned homework in front of my office door next Monday morning, or later. |
Week 15 | |||
Class 41 Monday 4/27 |
41 | [Engineering System Simulation] Racing crew simulation Saving simulation results to disk with histograms and distributions | Assignment Homework: Thoroughly understand what we did in class today and be ready to answer similar questions on the final exam. Pick up any unreturned homework in front of my office door next Monday morning, or later. |
Class 42 Tuesday 4/28 |
42 | Thinning of arriving entities EXITLOGIC (simple example) EXITLOGICBOSS exam practice problems Solutions to BOSS practice problems |
Assignment Homework: Thoroughly understand what we did in class today and be ready to answer similar questions on the final exam. Pick up any unreturned homework in front of my office door next Monday morning, or later. |
Final Exam held in our classroom on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Covers everything in the course, with emphasis on BOSS (simulation).YOU!!! CHECK THIS TIME AND DATE FOR ACCURACY AT:University Final Exam Schedules |
The Final Exam covers everything in the course with emphasis on BOSS. You are permitted to bring the following materials only: Typical BOSS Commands hand-out sheets including the example problems that are printed in that set of notes, and your FE Engineering Exam Review Manual for Economics. |
* Revelle text – this is required reading, either from the Revelle text or from an equivalent text. If you do not have the Revelle text, but have some other engineering economics textbook, that will suffice. Just study the same material as listed in our book, as specified above. ** Revelle text – reading materials used to supplement class lectures only. NOT REQUIRED READING. *** A complete BOSS user’s manual is available as a .pdf file by clicking here. |
The following is the required ADA statement.
- Texas A&M University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. If you experience barriers to your education due to a disability or think you may have a disability, please contact Disability Resources in the Student Services Building or at (979) 845-1637 or visit Disabilities may include, but are not limited to attentional, learning, mental health, sensory, physical, or chronic health conditions. All students are encouraged to discuss their disability related needs with Disability Resources and their instructors as soon as possible.
ABET Outcomes Addressed – From New (1) – (7)
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
The following is the required Academic Integrity Statement
“An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.”
All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web: